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for neglected diseases, emerging infectious diseases, and maternal health
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Schaeferhoff M, Yamey G, Ogbuoji O, Fawole A, Zimmerman A, Bharali I, Machingaidze S, Ortiz E, Moshabela M, Xu M. Reforming the research and development ecosystem for neglected diseases, emerging infectious diseases, and maternal health. The Center for Policy Impact in Global Health. Policy Report: May 2024. Available at: https://centerforpolicyimpact.org/wp-content/uploads/sites/18/2024/05/reforming-research-and-development-ecosystem-final.pdf
Ogbuoji O, Schaeferhoff M, Zimmerman A, Fawole A, Zimmerman A, Yamey G. Health and economic benefits of improving efficiencies in product development for neglected diseases, emerging infectious diseases, and maternal health. The Center for Policy Impact in Global Health. Policy Report: May 2024. Available at: https://centerforpolicyimpact.org/wp-content/uploads/sites/18/2024/05/health-economics-benefits-of-improving-efficiencies.pdf
Bharali I, Selvaraj S, Kumar P, Mao W, Ogbuoji O, Yamey G. India’s health transition: Country impact profile. The Center for Policy Impact in Global Health. Policy Report: April 2022. Available at: https://centerforpolicyimpact.org/indias-health-transitions-country-profile/
Dixit S, Mao W, Ogbuoji O, Bharali I, Ogundeji Y, Yamey G. Nigeria’s health transitions: Country profile. The Center for Policy Impact in Global Health. Report: March 2022. Available at: https://centerforpolicyimpact.org/nigerias-health-transitions-country-profile/
Dixit S, Mao W, Ogbuoji O, Yamey G. Nigeria’s health transitions: Country data summary. The Center for Policy Impact in Global Health. Report: March 2022. Available at: https://centerforpolicyimpact.org/nigerias-health-transitions-country-profile/
Mao W, Ogbuoji O, Watkins D, Bharali I, Nsiah-Boateng E, Diab MM, et al. Achieving global mortality reduction targets and universal health coverage: The impact of COVID-19. PLoS Med. 2021 June 18(6): e1003675. Available at: https://journals.plos.org/plosmedicine/article?id=10.1371/journal.pmed.1003675
Selvaraj S, Kumar P, Bharali I, Hasan H, Mao W, Ogbuoji O, Hussain S. Costs and Affordability of COVID-19 Testing and Treatment in India. PREPRINT (Version 1) available at Research Square. 14 July 2021. Available at: https://doi.org/10.21203/rs.3.rs-703175/v1.
The Joep Lange Institute, SEEK Development and the Center for Policy Impact in Global Health. Concept note for an investment case for primary health care. (2021). Available at: https://www.joeplangeinstitute.org/portfolio/global-public-investment-launches-its-first-report-on-progress-2/
Dixit S, Diab MM, Zimmerman A, Ogbuoji O, Yamey G. COVID-19 vaccination cost map. The Center for Policy Impact in Global Health. Dialogue report: January 2021. Available at: https://centerforpolicyimpact.org/our-work/covid-19-vaccine-cost-map/
McDade KK, Ogbuoji O, Yamey G. How will COVID-19 affect the future of global health aid? The Center for Policy Impact in Global Health. Dialogue report: January 2021. Available at: https://centerforpolicyimpact.org/our-work/covid-19-and-the-future-of-global-health-aid/
McDade KK, Munge K, Kokwaro G, Ogbuoji O. Development finance in transition: Donor dependency and concentration in Kenya’s health sector. The Center for Policy Impact in Global Health. Duke Global Working Paper Series: number 29, February 2021. Available at: https://centerforpolicyimpact.org/our-work/transition-donor-dependency-kenyas-health/
Selvaraj S, Karan AK, Mao W, Hasan H, Bharali I, Kumar P et al. Did the poor gain from India’s health policy interventions? Evidence from benefit-incidence analysis, 2004–2018. International Journal for Equity in Health. (2021) 20:159. Available at: https://equityhealthj.biomedcentral.com/track/pdf/10.1186/s12939-021-01489-0.pdf
Mao W, McDade KK, Hille H, Zapeda M. Do transition readiness assessment tools inform donor transitions in health care? Brookings Future Development Blog. April 30 2021. Available at: https://www.brookings.edu/blog/future-development/2021/04/30/do-transition-readiness-assessment-tools-inform-donor-transitions-in-health-care/
Vitsupakorn S, Bharali I, Kumar P, Yamey G, Mao W. Early experiences of Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana (PM-JAY) in India: a narrative review. The Center for Policy Impact in Global Health. Duke Global Working Paper Series: number 30, February 2021. Available at: https://centerforpolicyimpact.org/our-work/review-of-pm-jay-in-india/
Vitsupakorn S, Mao W, Bharali I. Early lessons from India’s health insurance scheme, Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana. Brookings Future Development Blog. April 29 2021. Available at: https://www.brookings.edu/blog/future-development/2021/04/29/early-lessons-from-indias-health-insurance-scheme-pradhan-mantri-jan-arogya-yojana/
McDade KK, Kleidermacher P, Mao W, Yamey G. Estimating Chinese bilateral aid for health: an analysis of AidData’s Global Chinese Official Finance Dataset. The Center for Policy Impact in Global Health. Duke Global Working Paper Series: number 38, March 2021. Available at: https://centerforpolicyimpact.org/estimating-chinese-bilateral-aid-for-health-an-analysis-of-aiddatas-global-chinese-official-finance-dataset/
Borre ED, Diab MM, et. al. Evidence gaps in economic analyses of hearing healthcare: A systematic review. EClinicalMedicine 2021. Volume 35; 100872. Available at: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2589537021001528
Abayasekara A, Bharali I, De Silva T, Mao W, Yamey G, Arunatilake NK. Identifying the knowledge, capacity, and policy gaps in the face of Sri Lanka’s health transitions and journey towards universal health coverage: A qualitative analysis. Social Science Research Network. (2021). Available at: https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=3971045
McDade KK, Mao W, Ogira D, Onyango J, Wafula F, Kokwaro G, Yamey G, Ogbuoji O. Kenya’s health transitions: Country profile. The Center for Policy Impact in Global Health. Report: June 2021. Available at: https://centerforpolicyimpact.org/wp-content/uploads/sites/18/2021/06/Kenya-4Ds-Country-Profile_FINAL.pdf
McDade KK, Shahid M, Mao W, Ogira D, Onyango J, Wafula F, Kokwaro G, Yamey G, Ogbuoji O. Kenya’s health transitions: Country data summary. The Center for Policy Impact in Global Health. Data summary: November 2021. Available at: https://centerforpolicyimpact.org/kenyas-health-transition-country-profile/
Kenney C, McDade KK, Mao W, Ogbuoji O, Yamey G. Making the final decade of the Sustainable Development Goals count: an analysis of donors’ subnational approaches to reaching the poorest people. The Center for Policy Impact in Global Health. Duke Global Working Paper Series: number 28, January 2021. Available at: https://centerforpolicyimpact.org/our-work/aid-targeting-approaches-to-reach-the-poorest/
Deshpande A, Mao W, Traill T, Kyaw ZL, Paing PY, Win ZM, Thura S, Ogbuoji O, Yamey G. Myanmar’s health transitions: Country profile. The Center for Policy Impact in Global Health. Report: October 2021. Available at: https://centerforpolicyimpact.org/wp-content/uploads/sites/18/2021/10/Myanmar-LONG-4Ds-Country-Profile_FINAL.pdf
McDade KK, Munge K, Kokwaro G, Ogbuoji O. Reducing Kenya’s health system dependence on donors. Brookings Future Development Blog. March 2 2021. Available at: https://www.brookings.edu/blog/future-development/2021/03/02/reducing-kenyas-health-system-dependence-on-donors/?preview_id=1424135
BYamey G. Rich countries should tithe their vaccines: Game theory suggests that donating doses can help nations of all income levels. Nature 590, 529 (2021). Available at: https://doi.org/10.1038/d41586-021-00470-9
Gonsalves G, Yamey G. The covid-19 vaccine patent waiver: a crucial step towards a “people’s vaccine”. BMJ Opinion 2021. Available at: https://blogs.bmj.com/bmj/2021/05/10/the-covid-19-vaccine-patent-waiver-a-crucial-step-towards-a-peoples-vaccine/
Gonsalves G, Yamey G. The covid-19 vaccine patent waiver: a crucial step towards a “people’s vaccine”. BMJ Opinion 2021. Available at: https://blogs.bmj.com/bmj/2021/05/10/the-covid-19-vaccine-patent-waiver-a-crucial-step-towards-a-peoples-vaccine/
Bharali I, Zoubek S, McDade KK, Martinez S, Brizzi A, Yamey G, Brownell K, Schäferhoff M. The financing landscape for agricultural development: an assessment of external financing flows to low- and middle-income countries and of the global aid architecture. Duke World Food Policy Center. Report, December 2020. Available at: https://wfpc.sanford.duke.edu/reports/financing-landscape-agricultural-development-assessment-external-financing-flows-low-and
Mao W, McDade KK, Zepeda M, Zhang X, Bharali I, Ogbuoji O, Yamey G. Transitioning from health aid: a scoping review of transition readiness assessment tools. The Center for Policy Impact in Global Health. Duke Global Working Paper Series: number 27, January 2021. Available at: https://centerforpolicyimpact.org/our-work/transitioning-from-health-aid-scoping-review-of-transition-readiness-assessment-tools/
Shahid M, Ogira D, McDade KK, Bharali I, Mao W, Ogbuoji O, Yamey G. Transition in the time of COVID-19: Lessons from Kenya. The Center for Policy Impact in Global Health. Dialogue report: October 2021. Available at: https://centerforpolicyimpact.org/our-work/kenya-transition-in-the-time-of-covid-19/
Atkins S et al. Using the COVID-19 pandemic to reimagine global health teaching in high-income countries. BMJ Global Health 2021;6:e005649. doi:10.1136/bmjgh-2021-00564. Available at: https://gh.bmj.com/content/bmjgh/6/4/e005649.full.pdf
McAdams D, Yamey G. What game theory can teach us about controlling pandemics. BMJ Opinion 2021. Available at: https://blogs.bmj.com/bmj/2021/10/21/what-game-theory-can-teach-us-about-controlling-pandemics/
Yamey G. Are strong national health systems all we need for pandemic preparedness? Global Health Now Exclusive. Feb 4, 2020. Available at: https://www.globalhealthnow.org/2020-02/coronavirus-expert-reality-check#yamey
Yamey G, Walensky RP. Covid-19: re-opening universities is high risk. BMJ 2020;370:m3365. Available at: https://www.bmj.com/content/370/bmj.m3365
Yamey G, Schäferhoff M, Moran M, Diab MM, McDade KK, Mao W, Chodavadia P, Zimmerman A, Huang Y, Chowdhary V, Karanja R, Madikizela M, Ogbuoji O. Developing an aggregator mechanism for late-stage clinical trials of neglected disease product candidates. The Center for Policy Impact in Global Health. Duke Global Working Paper Series: number 23, October 2020. Available at: https://centerforpolicyimpact.org/wp-content/uploads/sites/18/2020/10/Aggregator-for-Late-Stage-Trials_Working-Paper-FINAL.pdf
Ogbuoji O, Vollmer S, Jamison DT, Dickson EA, Bärnighausen T. Economic consequences of better health: insights from clinical data. BMJ. 2020;370:m2186. Available at: https://www.bmj.com/content/370/bmj.m2186
Schäferhoff M, Yamey G. Ending The COVID-19 Pandemic Requires Effective Multilateralism. Health Affairs Blog. May 27, 2020. Available at: https://www.healthaffairs.org/do/10.1377/hblog20200522.123995/full/
Yamey G, Schäferhoff M, Pate M, Chawla M, Ranson K, Zhao F, Hatchett R, Wilder R. Funding the development and manufacturing of COVID-19 vaccines: Background paper for the World Bank/CEPI financing COVID-19 vaccine development consultation on February 20, 2020. The Center for Policy Impact in Global Health. Duke Global Working Paper Series: number 20, March 2020. Available at: http://centerforpolicyimpact.org/our-work/our-publications/funding-development-and-manufacturing-of-covid-19-vaccines/
Schäferhoff M, Yamey G, McDade KK. Funding the development and manufacturing of COVID-19 vaccines: The need for global collective action. Brookings Future Development. Weblog. 2020. Available at: https://www.brookings.edu/blog/future-development/2020/04/24/funding-the-development-and-manufacturing-of-covid-19-vaccines-the-need-for-global-collective-action/
Zhang J, Nonvignon J, Dixit S, Mao W, Yamey G. Ghana’s policy response to COVID-19. The Center for Policy Impact in Global Health. Policy Report: July 2020 Available at: http://centerforpolicyimpact.org/our-work/the-4ds/ghana-policy-response-to-covid-19/
Herzig van Wees SL, Holmer H. Global health beyond geographical boundaries: reflections from global health education. BMJ Global Health. 2020;5:e002583. Available at: https://gh.bmj.com/content/5/5/e002583.full?ijkey=y44YqRhTjuOPzCj&keytype=ref
Bloom D, Fan V, Kufenko V, Ogbuoji O, Prettner K, Yamey G. Going beyond GDP with a parsimonious indicator: inequality-adjusted healthy lifetime income. Hohenheim Discussion Papers in Business, Economics and Social Sciences. Discussion Paper: 01-2020. Available at: https://wiso.uni-hohenheim.de/fileadmin/einrichtungen/wiso/Forschungsdekan/Papers_BESS/dp_01-2020_online.pdf
McDade KK, Bandara S, Schäferhoff M, Yamey G. Health aid in transition: a review of the United Kingdom’s approach to transition. The Center for Policy Impact in Global Health. Review number: 7, 2020. Available at: http://centerforpolicyimpact.org/our-work/the-4ds/donor-profiles-health-aid-in-transition/uk-approach-to-health-aid-transition/
Zhang J, Nonvignon J, and Mao W. How well is Ghana—with one of the best testing capacities in Africa—responding to COVID-19? Brookings Future Development. Weblog. 2020. Available at: https://www.brookings.edu/blog/future-development/2020/07/28/how-well-is-ghana-with-one-of-the-best-testing-capacities-in-africa-responding-to-covid-19/?preview_id=948409
Dixit S, Ogundeji YK, Onwujekwe O. How well has Nigeria responded to COVID-19? Brookings Future Development. Weblog. 2020. Available at: https://www.brookings.edu/blog/future-development/2020/07/02/how-well-has-nigeria-responded-to-covid-19/
Bharali I, Kumar P, Selvaraj S. How well is India responding to COVID-19? Brookings Future Development. Weblog. 2020. Available at: https://www.brookings.edu/blog/future-development/2020/07/02/how-well-is-india-responding-to-covid-19/
McAdams D, McDade KK, Ogbuoji O, Johnson M, Dixit S, Yamey G. Incentivizing wealthy nations to participate in COVID-19 vaccine Global Access Facility (COVAX): a game theory perspective. BMJ Global Health 2020;5:e003627.
Hemming R. Increasing Public Health Expenditure in India – Challenges and Prospects. The Center for Policy Impact in Global Health. Report: number 3, 2020. Available at: https://centerforpolicyimpact.org/wp-content/uploads/sites/18/2020/02/India-public-health-expenditure-and-fiscal-space-report_Final-1.pdf
Bharali I, Kumar P, Selvaraj S, Mao W, Ogbuoji O, Yamey G. India’s policy response to COVID-19. The Center for Policy Impact in Global Health. Policy Report: June 2020. Available at: http://centerforpolicyimpact.org/our-work/the-4ds/indias-policy-response-to-covid-19/
McDade KK, Ogira D, Onyango J, Ojal J, Kokwaro G, Mao W, Yamey G. Kenya’s policy response to COVID-19. The Center for Policy Impact in Global Health. Policy Report: August 2020. The Center for Policy Impact in Global Health. Policy Report: August 2020 Available at: http://centerforpolicyimpact.org/our-work/the-4ds/kenya-policy-response-to-covid-19/
Deshpande A, Traill T, Thura S, Kyaw ZL, La T, Win ZM, Chit PT, Bandara S, Mao W, Ogbuoji O, Yamey G. Myanmar’s policy response to COVID-19. The Center for Policy Impact in Global Health. Policy Report: October 2020. Available at: https://centerforpolicyimpact.org/wp-content/uploads/sites/18/2020/10/Myanmar-National-Response-to-COVID_19.pdf
Dixit S, Ogundeji YK, Onwujekwe O, Ezenwanfor C, Ohiri K, Ogbuoji O, Mao W, Bharali I, Yamey G. Nigeria’s policy response to COVID-19. The Center for Policy Impact in Global Health. Policy Report: June 2020. Available at: http://centerforpolicyimpact.org/our-work/the-4ds/nigeria-policy-response-to-covid-19/
Bharali I, Mao W, Huffstetler H, Hoole A, Perera P, Ogbuoji O. Perspectives on transitions away from donor assistance for health: a discrete choices experiment in Sri Lanka. The Lancet Global Health. 2020; 8(S25). Available at: https://www.thelancet.com/journals/langlo/article/PIIS2214-109X(20)30166-2/fulltext
Yamey G, Gonsalves G. Political interference in public health science during covid-19. BMJ Ed. 2020 October 26. Available at: https://www.bmj.com/content/371/bmj.m3878
Yamey G, Schäferhoff M, McDade KK, Mao W. Preparing for pandemics such as coronavirus—will we ever break the vicious cycle of panic and neglect? Brookings Future Development. Weblog. 2020. Available at: https://www.brookings.edu/blog/future-development/2020/02/11/preparing-for-pandemics-such-as-coronavirus-will-we-ever-break-the-vicious-cycle-of-panic-and-neglect/
Kelly R, Hemming R, Glenday G, Bharali I, Alebachew A. Public financial management perspectives on health sector financing and resource allocation in Ethiopia. The Center for Policy Impact in Global Health. Duke Global Working Paper Series: number 18, 2020. Available at: Available at: https://centerforpolicyimpact.org/wp-content/uploads/sites/18/2020/10/SSRN-id3534342-1.pdf
Dolan C, McDade KK. Pulling the purse strings: Are there sectoral differences in political preferencing of Chinese aid to Africa? Plos One. 2020; 15(4): e0232126. Available at: https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0232126
Thomas YF, Aginam O, Banerjee S, Ezeh A, Galea S, Gatsweiler F, Mberu B, Nguendo-Yongsi B, Ogbuoji O, Reddy KS, Thomas M, Yamey G. Reaffirming the significance of global public good for health: solidarity in response to COVID-19 and future shocks. T20 Saudi Arabia Task Force 11. COVID-19: Multidisciplinary approaches to complex problems. Available at: https://centerforpolicyimpact.org/wp-content/uploads/sites/18/2020/10/T20_TF11_PB1-2.pdf.
Coming soon!
Oladele TT, Olakunde BO, Oladele EA, Ogbuoji O, Yamey G. The impact of COVID-19 on HIV financing in Nigeria: a call for proactive measures. BMJ Global Health. 2020;5:e002718. Available at: https://gh.bmj.com/content/5/5/e002718
McDade KK, Schäferhoff M, Ogbuoji O, Bharali I, Dixit S, Mao W, Bandara S, Yamey G. Transitioning away from donor funding for health: a cross-cutting examination of donor approaches to transition. The Center for Policy Impact in Global Health. Duke Global Working Paper Series: number 21, April 2020. Available at: http://centerforpolicyimpact.org/transitioning-away-from-donor-funding-for-health-cross-cutting/
McAdams D, McDade KK, Ogbuoji O, Johnson M, Dixit S, Yamey G. Incentivizing wealthy nations to participate in COVID-19 vaccine Global Access Facility (COVAX): A game theory approach. The Center for Policy Impact in Global Health. Working paper, August 2020. Available at: http://centerforpolicyimpact.org/our-work/coronavirus-covid-19-and-pandemic-preparedness/incentivizing-wealthy-nations-to-participate-in-covax/.
McDade KK, Kraus J, Petitjean H, Schrade C, Fewer S, Beyeler N, Yamey G. Aligning multilateral support for global public goods for health under the Global Action Plan. The Center for Policy Impact in Global Health. Working paper: number 15, 2019. Available at: http://centerforpolicyimpact.org/our-work/policy-solutions-finance-gaps/global-functions-of-health-aid/.
McDade KK, Yamey G. Are the multilaterals ready to act on pandemic prevention and other global public goods? Brookings Future Development. Weblog. 2019. Available at: https://www.brookings.edu/blog/future-development/2019/09/11/are-the-multilaterals-ready-to-act-on-pandemic-prevention-and-other-global-public-goods/
Chen S, Guo L, Wang Z, Mao W, Ge Y, Ying X et al. Current situation and progress toward the 2030 health-related Sustainable Development Goals in China: A systematic analysis. PLOS Med. 2019; 16(11):e1002975. Available at: https://journals.plos.org/plosmedicine/article/file?id=10.1371/journal.pmed.1002975&type=printable
Gill IS, Glenday G, Bharali I. Domestic revenue mobilization: estimating the gaps between ability and effort. The Center for Policy Impact in Global Health. Policy brief: 2019. Available at: http://centerforpolicyimpact.org/wp-content/uploads/sites/18/2019/04/CPIGH-Policy-brief_Domestic-Revenue-Mobilization__April-2019_FINAL.pdf.
Glenday G, Bharali I, Wang Z. Enhancing Domestic Revenues: Constraints and Opportunities: A cross-country comparative study of tax capacity, effort and gaps. The Center for Policy Impact in Global Health. Report number: 2, 2019. Available at: http://centerforpolicyimpact.org/wp-content/uploads/sites/18/2019/04/CPIGH-Report_Tax-report_Enhancing-Domestic-Revenues__April-2019_FINAL.pdf
Yamey G. Financing Global Public Goods for Health: How Can We Make the Case?. The Center for Policy Impact in Global Health. Weblog. 2019. Available at: http://centerforpolicyimpact.org/2019/10/28/financing-global-public-goods-for-health-how-can-we-make-the-case/.
Yamey G, Jamison D, Hanssen O, Soucat A. Financing Global Common Goods for Health: When the World is a Country. Health Systems & Reform. 2019. Available at: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23288604.2019.1663118
Bharali I, McDade KK, Schäferhoff M, Yamey G. Health aid in transition: a review of Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance. The Center for Policy Impact in Global Health. Review number: 3, 2019. Available at: https://centerforpolicyimpact.org/wp-content/uploads/sites/18/2019/09/Gavi-AID-Transition-Profile.pdf.
Mao W, McDade KK, Schäferhoff M, Yamey G. Health aid in transition: a review of Japan’s approach to transition. The Center for Policy Impact in Global Health. Review number: 5, 2019. Available at: https://centerforpolicyimpact.org/wp-content/uploads/sites/18/2019/11/JAPAN-Transition-Profile-Final.pdf.
Schäferhoff M, McDade KK, Ogbuoji O, Yamey G. Health aid in transition: a review of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria. The Center for Policy Impact in Global Health. Review number: 1, 2019. Available at: https://centerforpolicyimpact.org/wp-content/uploads/sites/18/2019/06/Global-Fund-Profile.pdf.
McDade KK, Schäferhoff M, Yamey G. Health aid in transition: a review of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The Center for Policy Impact in Global Health. Review number: 4, 2019. Available at: https://centerforpolicyimpact.org/wp-content/uploads/sites/18/2019/10/USAID-AID-Transition-Profile-Final.pdf.
McDade KK, Ogbuoji O, Schäferhoff M, Yamey G. Health aid in transition: a review of The U.S. President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR). The Center for Policy Impact in Global Health. Review number: 2, 2019. Available at: https://centerforpolicyimpact.org/wp-content/uploads/sites/18/2019/09/PEPFAR-AID-Transition-Profile.pdf.
Dixit S, McDade KK, Schäferhoff M, Yamey G. Health aid in transition: a review of the World Bank International Development Association (IDA). The Center for Policy Impact in Global Health. Review number: 6, 2019. Available at: http://centerforpolicyimpact.org/wp-content/uploads/sites/18/2019/11/IDA-Transition-Profile-Final-1.pdf
Yamey G. How do global health academics “reach the people”?. The Center for Policy Impact in Global Health. Weblog. 2019. Available at: http://centerforpolicyimpact.org/2019/10/16/how-do-global-health-academics-reach-the-people/.
McDade KK, Ogbuoji O, Schäferhoff M, Yamey G. How do major health donors prepare for country exits? The Center for Policy Impact in Global Health. Weblog. 2019. Available at: http://centerforpolicyimpact.org/2019/06/28/how-do-major-health-donors-prepare-for-country-exits/.
Schäferhoff M, Chodavadia P, Martinez S, McDade KK, Fewer S, et. al. International Funding for Global Common Goods for Health: An Analysis Using the Creditor Reporting System and G-FINDER Databases. Health Systems & Reform. 2019. Available at: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23288604.2019.1663646
Yamey G, Ogbuoji O, Nonvignon J. Middle-income countries graduating from health aid: transforming daunting challenges into smooth transitions. PLoSMed. 2019; 16(6):e1002837. Available at: https://journals.plos.org/plosmedicine/article?id=10.1371/journal.pmed.1002837.
Shen S, Mao W, Tang S. The 5 problems China must tackle now to achieve the 2030 health SDGs. Brookings Future Development. Weblog. 2019. Available at: https://www.brookings.edu/blog/future-development/2019/12/11/the-5-problems-china-must-tackle-now-to-achieve-the-2030-health-sdgs/
Schäferhoff M, Martinez S, Ogbuoji O, Sabin ML, Yamey G. Trends in global health financing. BMJ. 2019;365(l2185)
Available at: http://centerforpolicyimpact.org/wp-content/uploads/sites/18/2019/05/bmj.I2185.full_.pdf.
Bharali I, Gill I. What happens to health financing during the middle-income transition? Brookings Future Development. Weblog. 2019. Available at: https://www.brookings.edu/blog/future-development/2019/12/16/what-happens-to-health-financing-during-the-middle-income-transition/
Ogbuoji O, Yamey G. Aid effectiveness in the Sustainable Development Goals era: comment on ““It’s about the idea hitting the bull’s eye”: how aid effectiveness can catalyse the scale-up of health innovations.” Int J Health Policy Manag. 2019;8(3):184–186. Available at: http://www.ijhpm.com/article_3582_b8eb41b92ea01a556d53a55d909662d3.pdf.
Watkins DA, Yamey G, Schäferhoff M, et al. Alma Ata at 40 Years: reflections from the Lancet Commission on Investing in Health. Lancet. 2018; 392(1434–6). Available at: https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(18)32389-4/fulltext#seccestitle10.
Young R, Bekele T, Gunn A et al. Developing new health technologies for neglected diseases: a pipeline portfolio review and cost model. Gates Open Research. 2018; 2:23. Available from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6139384/pdf/gatesopenres-2-13939.pdf.
The Center’s director, Gavin Yamey, is a co-author on two chapters of the third edition of the Disease Control Priorities Project (DCP3). These chapters are focused on (i) identifying the highest priority inter-sectoral interventions to improve health, and (ii) developing an “essential” list of interventions to be included in universal health coverage packages.
Flanagan K, Rees H, Huffstetler H, McDade KK, Yamey G, Gonzalez D, Hecht R. Donor transitions from HIV programs: what is the impact on vulnerable populations? The Center for Policy Impact in Global Health. Policy Analysis: number 2. 2018. Available at: http://centerforpolicyimpact.org/wp-content/uploads/sites/18/2018/12/Donor-Transitions-from-HIV-Report_Final.pdf.
Terry RF, Yamey G, Miyazaki-Krause R et al. Funding global health product R&D: the Portfolio-To-Impact Model (P2I), a new tool for modelling the impact of different research portfolios. Gates Open Research. 2018;2:24. Available at: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6139376/pdf/gatesopenres-2-13921.pdf.
Yamey G, Batson A, Kilmarx PH, Yotebieng M. Funding innovation in neglected diseases. BMJ. 2018;360:k1182. Available at: https://www.bmj.com/content/360/bmj.k1182.
McArthur JW, Rasmussen K, Yamey G. How many lives are at stake? Assessing 2030 sustainable development goal trajectories for maternal and child health. BMJ. 2018;360(k373). Available at: https://www.bmj.com/content/bmj/360/bmj.k373.full.pdf.
Yamey G, Summers LH, Jamison DT, Brinton J. How to convene an international health or development commission: ten key steps. Health Policy and Planning. 2018 (1-7). Available at: https://sites-staging.globalhealth.duke.edu/centerforpolicyimpact/wp-content/uploads/sites/8/2018/01/Yamey-Summers-et-al_How-to-Convene-a-Development-Commission.pdf.
Beyeler N, Fewer S, Yotebieng M, Yamey G. Improving resource mobilisation for global health R&D: a role for coordination platforms? BMJ Glob Health. 2019;4:e001209. Available at: https://gh.bmj.com/content/bmjgh/4/1/e001209.full.pdf.
Yamey G, Schäferhoff M, McDade KK. Improving tracking of aid for women’s, children’s, and adolescents’ health. The Lancet Global Health. 2018:6(8);Pe814-e815. Available at: https://www.thelancet.com/journals/langlo/article/PIIS2214-109X(18)30320-6/fulltext?rss=yes.
McDade KK, Yamey G. Intensified multilateral cooperation on global public goods for health: three opportunities for collective action. The Center for Policy Impact in Global Health. Policy Paper: 2018. Available at: http://centerforpolicyimpact.org/wp-content/uploads/sites/18/2018/11/Multilaterals-and-GPGs_LONG_Final.pdf.
McDade KK, Yamey G. Intensified multilateral cooperation on global public goods for health: three opportunities for collective action. The Center for Policy Impact in Global Health. Policy Brief: 2018. Available at: http://centerforpolicyimpact.org/wp-content/uploads/sites/18/2018/11/Multilaterals-and-GPGs_BRIEF_Final.pdf.
Yamey G, McDade KK. Intensified multilateral cooperation on global public goods for health: three opportunities for collective action. The Center for Policy Impact in Global Health. Weblog: 2018. Available at: http://centerforpolicyimpact.org/2018/11/20/intensified-multilateral-cooperation-on-global-public-goods-for-health-three-opportunities-for-collective-action/.
Watkins DA, Nugent R, Saxenian H, Yamey G, Danforth K, González-Pier E, Mock CN, Jha P, Alwan A, Jamison DT. Intersectoral policy priorities for health. In: Disease Control Priorities: Improving Health and Reducing Poverty. Washington, DC: World Bank; 2018.
Yamey G, McDade KK. Reviewer report for: mainstreaming as rhetoric or reality? Gender and global health at the World Bank. Wellcome Open Res. 2018. Available at: https://wellcomeopenresearch.org/articles/3-18/v1#referee-response-31183
Strengthening the United States government’s role in product development for global health
Authors: Gavin Yamey, Andrea Thoumi, Jonathan Gonzalez-Smith, Cynthia Binanay, Ipchita Bharali, Zeena Johar, David Ridley, Nick Chapman
Yamey G, Gonzalez D, Bharali I, Flanagan K, Hecht R. Transitioning from foreign aid: is the next cohort of graduating countries ready? The Center for Policy Impact in Global Health. Duke Global Working Paper Series: number 8, 2018. Available at: https://centerforpolicyimpact.org/wp-content/uploads/sites/18/2018/03/Transition-from-foreign-aid_DukeCPIGH-Working-Paper-final.pdf.
Yamey G, Ogbuoji O, Fan VY, Bloom DE, Prettner K. Valuing health as development: going beyond gross domestic product. BMJ. 2018; 363. Available at: https://www.bmj.com/content/363/bmj.k4371.full?ijkey=xfYR8ICYKAicTlE&keytype=ref.
Yamey G, Ogbuoji O, McDade KK. We need a consensus on the definition of ‘global public goods for health’. Brookings Future Development. Weblog. 2018. Available at: https://www.brookings.edu/blog/future-development/2018/11/20/we-need-a-consensus-on-the-definition-of-global-public-goods-for-health/.
A framework for stimulating economic investments to prevent emerging diseases
Authors: Daniel L Schar, Gavin Mark Yamey, Catherine C Machalaba, William B Karesh | Citation: Bulletin of the World Health Organization; Type: Perspectives; Article ID: BLT.17.199547
Yamey G, Schäferhoff M, Aars OK, Bloom B, Carroll D, Chawla M, et al. Financing of international collection action for epidemic and pandemic preparedness. The Lancet Global Health. 2017;5(8):e727-e837. Available from: http://www.thelancet.com/journals/langlo/article/PIIS2214-109X(17)30203-6/fulltext.
Yamey G, Schäferhoff M, Young R, Braun N, Figiel C, Kraus J. International collective action for epidemic and pandemic preparedness: an economic policy brief for the G20 Health Working Group. The Center for Policy Impact in Global Health. Policy Brief: 2017. Available from: https://sites-staging.globalhealth.duke.edu/centerforpolicyimpact/wp-content/uploads/sites/8/2016/10/G20-Brief_Global-Financing-of-Epidemic-Preparedness-21-Feb-2017.pdf.
Kraus J, Schwalbe N, Yamey G, Fewer S. Opinion: 3 ways to strengthen multilateral cooperation on global public goods. Devex Op-Ed. Available from: https://www.devex.com/news/opinion-3-ways-to-strengthen-multilateral-cooperation-on-global-public-goods-93846.
Strengthening domestic resource mobilization: moving from theory to practice in low-and middle-income countries
Authors: Raul Felix Junquera-Varela, Marijn Verhoeven, Gangadhar P. Shukla, Bernard Haven, Rajul Awasthi, and Blanca Moreno-Dodson | Citation: World Bank doi:10.1596/978-1-4648-1073-2
Gavin Yamey, along with his co-authors Naomi Beyeler, Hester Wadge, and Dean Jamison, authored a new report “Investing in health: the economic case” at the World Innovation Summit for Health on 30th November, 2016. The report summarizes the evidence on the impressive returns to investing in health and makes a strong case for governments and donors to invest in cost-effective interventions.
Mexico’s path towards the Sustainable Development Goal for health: an assessment of the feasibility of reducing premature mortality by 40% by 2030
Authors: Eduardo González-Pier, Mariana Barraza-Lloréns, Naomi Beyeler, Dean Jamison, Felicia Knaul, Rafael Lozano, Gavin Yamey, Jaime Sepúlveda | Citation: Lancet Global Health 2016, 4:e714-e725
Next generation maternal health: external shocks and health-system innovations
Authors: Margaret E Kruk, Stephanie Kujawski, Cheryl A Moyer, Richard M Adanu, Kaosar Afsana, Jessica Cohen, Amanda Glassman, Alain Labrique, K Srinath Reddy, Gavin Yamey | Citation: Lancet 2016; 388: 2296–306
Opinion: Why tax reform is a gateway to sustainable development
Author: Graham Glenday | Citation: Devex website; 29th October, 2016
Protecting human security: proposals for the G7 Ise-Shima Summit in Japan
Authors: Japan Global Health Working Group | Citation: Lancet 2016, 387:2155-62
Trends in state-level child mortality, maternal mortality, and fertility rates in India
Authors: Vidit Munshi, Gavin Yamey and Stéphane Verguet | Citation: Health Affairs 2016; 35: 1759-1763
Schäferhoff M, Fewer S, Kraus S, Richter E, Summers LH, Sundewall J, Yamey G, Jamison DT. How much donor financing for health is channelled to global versus country-specific aid functions? Lancet. 2015;386:2436-2441. Available from: http://globalhealth2035.org/sites/default/files/journal-articles/donor-financing-for-health-is-channelled-to-global-versus-country-specific-aid-functions.pdf.
Schäferhoff M, Fewer S, Kraus S, Richter E, Summers LH, Sundewall J, Yamey G, Jamison DT. How much donor financing for health is channelled to global versus country-specific aid functions? Lancet. 2015;386:2436-2441. Available from: http://globalhealth2035.org/sites/default/files/journal-articles/donor-financing-for-health-is-channelled-to-global-versus-country-specific-aid-functions.pdf.
Global health 2035: a world converging within a generation
Authors: Dean T Jamison, Lawrence H Summers, George Alleyne, Kenneth J Arrow, Seth Berkley, Agnes Binagwaho, Flavia Bustreo, David Evans, Richard G A Feachem, Julio Frenk, Gargee Ghosh, Sue J Goldie, Yan Guo, Sanjeev Gupta, Richard Horton, Margaret E Kruk, Adel Mahmoud, Linah K Mohohlo, Mthuli Ncube, Ariel Pablos-Mendez, K Srinath Reddy, Helen Saxenian, Agnes Soucat, Karen H Ulltveit-Moe, Gavin Yamey | Citation: Lancet 2013; 382: 1898–955
Questions? Please contact Gavin Yamey.
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