A framework for stimulating economic investments to prevent emerging diseases
Schar D, Yamey G, Machalabac C, Karesh W. A framework for stimulating economic investments to prevent emerging diseases. Bulletin of the World Health Organization. March 2017. Perspectives: BLT.17.199547. Available from: http://centerforpolicyimpact.org/wp-content/uploads/sites/18/2016/10/Bulletin-of-WHO_Schar-Yamey-et-al-Nov-14-2017.pdf
This WHO article was co-authored by our director, Gavin Yamey. The article presents a five pillars framework to institutionalize investment-driven approaches to emerging infectious disease risk mitigation and to catalyse the transition to actionable prevention efforts:
- Strengthen the evidence base
- Scale up economically informed, tested and validated innovations
- Incentivize investments that mitigate risks
- Mobilize funding for such investments
- Collectively commit to treating emerging infectious disease prevention as a global public good