This project, in partnership with Pharos Global Health Advisors, is an in-depth study of HIV donor transitions and key populations. It was one of the first studies to look in depth at the risks and challenges of HIV transitions for key populations, examining three countries that recently “graduated” from donor assistance for HIV (China, Mexico, Romania) and another three countries (Nigeria, Malaysia, and Cambodia) that are scheduled to transition soon. Based on the lessons learned from those countries that have already undergone transition and the emerging themes from pre-transition countries, our findings suggest that donors and middle-income countries should work together to develop a more systematic approach to preparing for, designing, and implementing transition programs for key populations.
Donor transitions from HIV programs: what is the impact on vulnerable populations?
Authors: Kelly Flanagan, Hannah Rees, Hanna Huffstetler, Kaci Kennedy McDade, Gavin Yamey, Diana Gonzalez, and Robert Hecht
Health Affairs Blog: December 2018. Available at:
Questions? Please contact Gavin Yamey.
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